Graph algorithms are quite common and usually fall under the following algorithms. You will usually be required to modify these algorithms to fit the problem but it's good to know the fundamentals
Time complexities
Time Complexity
Space Complexity
Space accounting for stack frames used in recursion
Topological Sorting
Primās Algorithm
Time complexity achieved if using Fibonacci heap AND iterating over the entire priority queue
Kruskalās Algorithm
Frequency in interviews
Common: BFS, DFS
Uncommon: Topological sort, Dijkstra
Almost never: Bellman-Ford, Floyd Warshall, Primās, Kruskalās
Trees do not require a visited set since there is only 1 path between nodes (property of trees)
from collections import dequedefbfs(matrix):# Check for an empty matrix/graph.ifnot matrix:return [] rows, cols =len(matrix),len(matrix[0]) visited =set() directions = ((0,1), (0,-1), (1,0), (-1,0))deftraverse(i,j): queue =deque([(i, j)])while queue: curr_i, curr_j = queue.popleft()if (curr_i, curr_j) notin visited: visited.add((curr_i, curr_j))# Traverse neighbors.for direction in directions: next_i, next_j = curr_i + direction[0], curr_j + direction[1]if0<= next_i < rows and0<= next_j < cols:# Add in question-specific checks, where relevant. queue.append((next_i, next_j))for i inrange(rows):for j inrange(cols):traverse(i, j)
defdfs(matrix):# Check for an empty matrix/graph.ifnot matrix:return [] rows, cols =len(matrix),len(matrix[0]) visited =set() directions = ((0,1), (0,-1), (1,0), (-1,0))deftraverse(i,j):if (i, j) in visited:return visited.add((i, j))# Traverse neighbors.for direction in directions: next_i, next_j = i + direction[0], j + direction[1]if0<= next_i < rows and0<= next_j < cols:# Add in question-specific checks, where relevant.traverse(next_i, next_j)for i inrange(rows):for j inrange(cols):traverse(i, j)
Topological sorting
Used for job scheduling a sequence of jobs or tasks that have dependencies on other jobs/tasks
Jobs represent vertices and edges from X to Y (directed) if X depends on Y
defgraph_topo_sort(num_nodes,edges):from collections import deque nodes, order, queue ={}, [],deque()# O(V)for node_id inrange(num_nodes): nodes[node_id]={'in':0,'out':set()}# O(E)for node_id, pre_id in edges: nodes[node_id]['in'] +=1 nodes[pre_id]['out'].add(node_id)# O(V)for node_id in nodes.keys():if nodes[node_id]['in'] ==0: queue.append(node_id)# O(E), total number of decreases happen O(E) times at mostwhilelen(queue):# At most O(V) elements node_id = queue.pop()for outgoing_id in nodes[node_id]['out']:# At most O(V - 1) edges nodes[outgoing_id]['in'] -=1if nodes[outgoing_id]['in'] ==0: queue.append(outgoing_id) order.append(node_id)return order iflen(order)== num_nodes elseNoneprint(graph_topo_sort(4, [[0, 1], [0, 2], [2, 1], [3, 0]]))# [1, 2, 0, 3]
Only works with non-negative edge weights. If the edges have a negative weight, use Bellman-Ford instead
If target node known, once we process target node (i.e. pop is target node), we can early return
import heapqimport mathclassSolution:defnetworkDelayTime(self,times: List[List[int]],n:int,k:int) ->int: graph ={}# O(E)# Maintain the edge costs + edgesfor [source, target, time] in times:if (source -1) notin graph: graph[source -1]= [] graph[source -1].append((target -1, time))# All nodes start with inf cost to reach costs = [math.inf] * n# Start node has cost of 0 (naturally) costs[k -1]=0 q = [(0, k -1)] visited =set()# O(V log V) + O(E log V)# O((E + V) log V)# O(E log V)while q:# At most O(V)# O(log V) node_cost, node = heapq.heappop(q)if node in visited:continue visited.add(node)if node notin graph:continue# O(E log V)for neighbor, time in graph[node]:# Visit at most O(E) nodes# Only update cost and re-queue if the cost to reach neighbor decreasesif node_cost + time < costs[neighbor]: costs[neighbor]= node_cost + time heapq.heappush(q, (node_cost + time, neighbor))iflen(visited)!= n:# Disjoint component# Alternative way to check is to check if any cost is still infreturn-1returnmax(costs)
Works with negative weight edges but does not work if there are negative weight cycles. For those cases, we can detect that a cycle exists but cannot do anything about it
Loop for v - 1 times and for each loop, relax all edges
To detect negative weight edges, check if the cost of the same node decreases twice
Track if any costs decreased, if none did, then we can early terminate since that means we found the lowest possible cost for all edges
Finds the Minimum Spanning Tree of a graph and is easier to implement than Kruskalās algorithm
The general intuition for Prim's algorithm is as such:
Given a node i, go through all connected points and add the edge weights to a min heap (weight, other point). For every element in the min heap, if visited before, discard, otherwise, use the topmost pointās edge. Iterate at most N - 1 times as that is the maximum number of edges of a tree.
import heapq# edges are: [from, to, weight]# n points in totaldefprim(n:int,edges: List[List[int]]): graph ={}# O(E)for f, t, w in edges:if f notin graph: graph[f]= []if t notin graph: graph[t]= [] graph[f].append((t, w)) graph[t].append((f, w)) visited = [False] * n h = [] node =0 min_weight =0# O(VE log V)for i inrange(N -1): visited[node]=True# O(E log V)for neighbor, weight in graph[node]:# Total O(E)ifnot visited[neighbor]: heapq.heappush(h, (weight, neighbor))# O(log V)while visited[h[0][1]]: heapq.heappop(h)# O(log V) weight, node = heapq.heappop(h) min_weight += weightreturn min_weight
Fully-connected graphs
For fully connected graphs, instead of using a heap, use a min_d array, tracking the minimum weight to reach each point in the graph.
The general intuition for this variation is:
For each node node, we update the edge weight to all connected points. Then the point we choose to use would be the one that has not yet been visited and has the shortest edge weight.
Once a node is visited, set the weight to reach to be inf so no extra visited is needed
import mathdefprim(n:int,edges: List[List[int]]): graph ={}for f, t, w in edges:if f notin graph: graph[f]= []if t notin graph: graph[t]= [] graph[f].append((t, w)) graph[t].append((f, w)) min_d = [10*8] * n node =0 min_weight =0for i inrange(N -1): min_d[node]= math.inf min_j = nodefor neighbor, weight in graph[node]:if min_d[neighbor]!= math.inf: min_d[neighbor]=min(min_d[neighbor], weight) min_j = neighbor if min_d[neighbor]< min_d[min_j]else min_j min_weight += min_d[min_j] node = min_jreturn min_weight
Kruskalās algorithm
Use Union-Find Disjoint Set (UFDS) to determine which edges are redundant and use a min heap to store the weights of the edges. Redundant edges are those whose points already exist in the same set (meaning that there exists another path between these two points in the MST so far).
import heapqdeffind(ds,i):# O(log V)if ds[i]== i:return i ds[i]=find(ds, ds[i])return ds[i]defunion(ds,p,q):# O(log V) root_p =find(p) root_q =find(q) ds[root_p]= root_qdefkruskal(n:int,edges: List[List[int]]): ds =list(range(n)) h = [] min_weight =0# O(E)for f, t, w in edges: h.append((w, f, t))# O(E) heapq.heapify(h) used =0# O(E log E + E log V)# O(E)while h:# O(log E) weight, i, j = heapq.heappop(h)# O(log V) i =find(ds, i) j =find(ds, j)if i != j: min_weight += weightunion(ds, i, j) used +=1if used == n -1:breakreturn min_weight
Note that when iterating over every node, we only decrease the edges at most times
for priority queue
For vertices, we iterate through all edges and compute the SSP
For this specific implementation, the time complexity is O(EVlogV)
This implementation has a time complexity of O(ElogE+ElogV) because weāre not sorting the entire graph at once. If we sorted, the time complexity would be similar but O(logE)=O(logV2)=O(2logV)=O(logV) dominates the term so we take that instead