Linked Lists
Linked lists are useful when paired with hash tables as it allows search/insertion in O(1) time and they can also be used alone to solve problems
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Linked lists are useful when paired with hash tables as it allows search/insertion in O(1) time and they can also be used alone to solve problems
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Insert: (assuming you traverse to the insertion position or insert at head)
Remove: (assuming traversed to node removed)
Empty linked list
Single node
Two nodes
Linked lists with cycles (must clarify)
Adding a dummy node to the front and/or end of the linked list is quite a powerful technique
Helps resolve edge cases for operations performed at the head or tail
Must be removed at the end of the operation
Used when creating a doubly linked list to simplify implementation (see #doubly-linked-list for more information)
This is somewhat similar to the two pointers in Arrays but in the case of linked lists, the two pointers are often used to perform operations on different parts of the linked list.
Getting kth from last node
Delay a second pointer by k and once seeking pointer reaches end, second pointer is the answer
Detecting cycles
Two pointer with fast and slow pointers
Getting the middle node
Fast and slow pointers where once fast is at the end, slow is in the middle
Rather than trying to operate solely on the given linked list, create a new linked list and copy nodes over
Increases space usage but makes things less difficulty
Truncate list by setting next
to null
Swapping values (either by swapping reference or values)
Combining two lists by attaching head of second list to tail of first list
Common problem and good to just recall how the algorithm is implemented
Very useful algorithm to know as there are several ways to apply it:
Determine the center of a linked list
Determine if a cycle exists in a linked list
Find the start of the cycle in the linked list
Fast and slow pointer to detect cycles when the pointers converge with one another
Finding the start of the cycle:
Once cycle detected, we reset slow to be at the head again and move both pointers by 1 node until they converge again, that’s the starting of the loop
The distance for the fast pointer to reach back to the start of the cycle is the same distance required for the slow pointer to reach the start of the cycle (so when they converge, that’s when the cycle starts)