Binary Search Trees
Binary Search Trees are the first of many specialized trees
Binary search trees have the core property where left <= node < right
thus allowing elements to be stored in sorted fashion easily
Runtime analysis
BSTs have the same runtime as Trees but if the tree is balanced, it implies that insertions of elements in sorted order can be done in which is faster than what inserting into a sorted array can achieve
Core properties
left <= node < right
In-order traversal produces a sorted array
The maximum value exists on the rightmost leaf of the right sub-tree
The minimum value exists on the leftmost leaf of the left sub-tree
Most of the techniques of a BST is the same as those Trees, however, there is a technique that only BSTs can achieve
Using in-order traversal
The core property of BSTs allow in-order traversal to become a sequential traversal of the elements in sorted order. Once a problem mentions that the tree is a BST, try thinking of how to exploit this property to solve the problem
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