Trees are special types of graphs that have exactly N - 1 edges with exactly one path between nodes. They are one of the most common category of problems so it is a must to master them
Neighbor: parent or child of a node
Ancestor: node reachable by traversing its parent chain
Descendant: node in the nodeβs subtree
Degree: number of children of a node
Degree of a tree: maximum degree of nodes in the tree
Distance: number of edges along the shortest path between two nodes
Level/depth: number of edges along the unique path between a node and the root node
Height: maximum number of edges between node till last leaf
Width: number of nodes in a level
Complete binary tree: every level except possibly last is completely filled, left first
Balanced: height differs no more than 1
Pre-order: SELF, left, right
In-order: left, SELF, right
Post-order: left, right, SELF
Runtime analysis
Unbalanced trees have h = n
in worst case, balanced trees have h = log n
Corner cases
Empty tree
Single node
Two nodes
Skewed tree
Take noteβ¦
When using BFS/DFS,
array is not needed since tree has only 1 direction (assuming directed tree)
Common operations
Insert value
Find appropriate position and insert
Delete value
No children: delete as per usual
1 child: swap node with child and delete
2 child: swap with successor and delete
Count number of nodes in tree
Whether value is in tree
Tree searching: think of conditions to branch left and right
Calculate height of the tree
nodes have height of-1
while leafs have height of0
Most tree problems will require Recursion to some degree. Some tips to think about recursion for trees:
Think of each recursive call as returning the value we want for all subsequent calls (often thinking of it as returning value from the left/right sub-tree)
Try replacing the return result with multiple values (using a tuple or array) or returning another tree node
Level-order traversal
Some problems can also be solved by traversing in level-order, much like the "virus" traversal for graphs
Summation of nodes
Nodes can be summed to verify if nodes are negative
Modifying existing traversal algorithms
Some problems such as Binary Tree Right Side View requires some modification to the predefined traversal orders in Traversals. As such, think about possibilities of reversing the order of traversal to start from the right first
Merkle hashing
This is a relatively unused technique but it is useful when you're trying to do tree comparisons to detect mismatches
is used to hash every leafCombining the hashes of the left and right forms the hash of the parent's hash
Repeat this process till the root of the tree to form the tree hash
I have only seen this technique used for Subtree of Another Tree
Split tree problems
This is a unique class of tree problems where we break the problem into two smaller sub-problems:
Finding the overall answer
Finding the recursive answer
These problems often arise when the optimal answer can be found by either taking a path through a node (thus voiding the remaining path) or by continuing upwards through the traversal (as seen in Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum and Diameter of Binary Tree)
The first sub-problem focuses on solving the overall answer (by assuming a path is taken through the current node) while the second sub-problem focuses on solving the recursive answer, often optimizing the optimal value along a linear path (i.e. does not pass through a sub-tree's root)
Tree construction
For most tree construction questions, you will need both the pre-order/post-order and in-order traversal to re-construct the tree:
This is based on the property that the values in a pre-order traversal represent the root of each sub-tree throughout the traversal. The in-order traversal is split along the root's value, the left being the values found in the left sub-tree and the right being the values found in the right sub-tree
Another interesting property is that if given the choice to serialize a tree, you can achieve a complete reconstruction using only the pre-order traversal given that you also serialize the NULL
nodes into fixed characters like #
. This way, we can just continue removing elements from the top traversal and taking those as the left and right values
Finding the center of a tree
A center node of a tree is one whose sub-trees have the minimum height, causing nodes to be distributed evenly on the left and right. Additionally, a tree can contain at most two centers
To find the center of a tree, topological sort (found under Graph) can be used, eliminating all leaf nodes at most two nodes remain
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